Insulated Glass Units/Reducing Our Energy Consumption
We offer a large selection of Insulated Glass units for existing unit replacement and new residential and commercial applications. Miller Glass works with leading insulated glass suppliers that carry today’s latest coatings, helping to make your home or business as energy efficient as possible.
Sustainable design, safegaurding the environment, and energy cost reduction are all part of using today’s technological advancements as tools to achieve green design goals. Miller Glass wants to help you make the choices that are best for your objectives.
Insulated Glazing Unit (IGU):
Most commonly are made with two lites of glass that are set apart by a spacer bar and are then factory sealed together to form a single unit. The optimum gap between the panes of glass depends on the size of the unit.
“Failed” Insulated Glazing Unit (IGU):
Do you have condensation, mold, or any sort of moisture between the panes of your insulated unit? If so, your IGU has “failed”. Meaning that the seal has been compromised and the IGU needs to be replaced. Not your whole window frame, just the glass unit. They are measured on the jobsite, custom ordered from the factory, and replaced. Why did it fail? It’s sometimes hard to know. Some older units did not have the life expectancy we had all hoped for or it might just have been a defect that is still under warranty. Check with a Miller Glass sales representative to see if your window might carry a valid warranty.
Low-Emissivity Coatings:
Applied to one of the interior panes to reflect thermal radiation allowing short wavelength radiation to be transmitted thru the pane while long wavelength radiation is reflected back into building (Similar to the principles of the greenhouse effect). Like tuning your radio to a particular station, scientific coating advancements have allowed the tuning of your windows to increase your homes efficiency. See the links below to learn more about a few of today’s choices.